
April 2023 Newsletter

Dear sed-DNA enthusiasts,

First of all, we would like to wish everyone a Happy Easter for those who celebrate it. Spring is in full bloom now, although it is still rather cold in the northern hemisphere. There are much more papers and preprints published in March, making up for the few papers in February.

I would like to highlight to every student who is interested in ancient metagenomics: the application for the second edition of the SPAAM Summer School Introduction to Ancient Metagenomics 2023 is open. It is possible to apply until May the 26th. Click here for more information. Also, check out the SPAAM webpage for more information about the SPAAM community here.

Finally, we will continue with the society e-coffee's, the next one will be on Wednesday the 12th at 09:00 (UTC+1) and on the 26th of April at 16:00 (UTC+1).. Everyone is welcome to join in Gathertown for a digital coffee and social chatting. The calendar invites will be sent a few days before via the email list and the society slack channel.

New papers

Heike H. Zimmermann et al., (2023) published "Marine ecosystem shifts with deglacial sea-ice loss inferred from ancient DNA shotgun sequencing" in Nature Communications.

Hebah S. Mejbel et al., (2023) published "Long-term cyanobacterial dynamics from lake sediment DNA in relation to experimental eutrophication, acidification and climate change " in Freshwater Biology.

Adam J. Heathcote et al., (2023) published "Sedimentary DNA and pigments show increasing abundance and toxicity of cyanoHABs during the Anthropocene " in Freshwater Biology.

Linda Armbrecht et al., (2023) published "From the Surface Ocean to the Seafloor: Linking Modern and Palaeo-genetics at the Sabrina Coast, East Antarctica (IN2017_V01)" in Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences.

Zhengquan Gu et al., (2023) published "Food recourses of the Khog Gzung site on the Tibetan Plateau revealed by sedimentary ancient DNA " in Science China Earth Sciences.

Natalia Rudaya et al., (2023) published "Terrestrial Vegetation and Lake Aquatic Community Diversity Under Climate Change During the Mid–Late Holocene in the Altai Mountains " in Social Science Research Network (SSRN).


Amy Thorpe (2023) made the preprint "Evaluating the use of lake sedimentary DNA in palaeolimnology: A comparison with long-term microscopy-based monitoring of the phytoplankton community" available at Authorea.

Stanislav Jelavić (2023) made the preprint "A route for long-term DNA preservation through nanoconfinement in smectites" available at chemRxiv.

Aloïs Revéret (2023) made the preprint "Environmental DNA of aquatic macrophytes: the potential for reconstructing past and present vegetation and environments" available at bioRxiv.

David J. Harning (2023) made the preprint " Delayed postglacial colonization of Betula in Iceland and the circum North Atlantic" available at bioRxiv.

Contact me at kevin_nota@eva.mpg.de or sedimentarydna@gmail.com if you want to announce something to the society, or if you have a recent paper that you would like to advertise in the newsletter.