
Picard, Von Eggers, Brasell, Yan, Klaminder, Alsos, Barouillet, Cheng, Dommain, Dulias, Duxbury, Edwards, Garcés Pastor, Harning, Hudson, Hutson, Kaynar, Kurte, Leunda, Lopez, Moguel, Olajos, Pérez Godoy, Revéret, Rijal, Rydberg, Schwörer, Stoof-Leichsenring, Taranu, Thomson-Laing, Thorpe, Tiedemann, Nogales, Wang, Wood, Capo (2024) Using DNA archived in lake sediments to reconstruct past ecosystems. Chapter in the Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science, 3rd edition doi: 10.1016/B978-0-323-99931-1.00171-9

Capo, Barouillet, Smol (2023) Tracking environmental change using lake sediments: Sedimentary DNA (Vol. 6). Springer Cham doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-43799-1

Capo, Barouillet, Smol (2023) Using lake sedimentary DNA to reconstruct biodiversity changes. Chapter in the book “Tracking Environmental change using lake sediments: Sedimentary DNA (Vol. 6). Springer Cham (eds Capo E, Barouillet C, Smol JP). doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-43799-1-1

Giguet-Covex, Jelavić, Foucher, Morlock, Wood, Augustijns, Domaizon, Gielly, Capo (2023) The sources and fates of lake sedimentary DNA. Chapter in the book “Tracking Environmental change using lake sediments: Sedimentary DNA (Vol. 6). Springer Cham (eds Capo E, Barouillet C, Smol JP). doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-43799-1-2

Heintzman, Nota, Rouillard, Lammers, Murchie, Armbrecht, Garcés-Pastor, Vernot (2023) The sedimentary ancient DNA workflow. Chapter in the book “Tracking Environmental change using lake sediments: Sedimentary DNA (Vol. 6). Springer Cham (eds Capo E, Barouillet C, Smol JP). doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-43799-1_3

Vuillemin, Coolen, Kallmeyer, Liebner, Bertilsson (2023) Bacterial and archaeal DNA from lake sediments. Chapter in the book “Tracking Environmental change using lake sediments: Sedimentary DNA (Vol. 6). Springer Cham (eds Capo E, Barouillet C, Smol JP). doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-43799-1_4

Monchamp, Pick (2023) Cyanobacterial DNA from lake sediments. Chapter in the book “Tracking Environmental change using lake sediments: Sedimentary DNA (Vol. 6). Springer Cham (eds Capo E, Barouillet C, Smol JP). doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-43799-1_5

Barouillet, Domaizon, Capo (2023) Protist DNA from lake sediments. Chapter in the book “Tracking Environmental change using lake sediments: Sedimentary DNA (Vol. 6). Springer Cham (eds Capo E, Barouillet C, Smol JP). doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-43799-1_6

Dulias, Epp, Stoof-Leichsenring (2023) Diatom DNA from lake sediments. Chapter in the book “Tracking Environmental change using lake sediments: Sedimentary DNA (Vol. 6). Springer Cham (eds Capo E, Barouillet C, Smol JP). doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-43799-1_7

Revéret, Alsos, Heintzman (2023) Aquatic vegetation DNA from lake sediments. Chapter in the book “Tracking Environmental change using lake sediments: Sedimentary DNA (Vol. 6). Springer Cham (eds Capo E, Barouillet C, Smol JP). doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-43799-1_8

Gregory-Eaves, Monchamp, Taranu (2023) Aquatic animal DNA from lake sediments. Chapter in the book “Tracking Environmental change using lake sediments: Sedimentary DNA (Vol. 6). Springer Cham (eds Capo E, Barouillet C, Smol JP). doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-43799-1_9

Garcés-Pastor, Nota, Rijal, Liu, Jia, Leunda, Schwörer, Crump, Parducci, Alsos (2023) Terrestrial plant DNA from lake sediments. Chapter in the book “Tracking Environmental change using lake sediments: Sedimentary DNA (Vol. 6). Springer Cham (eds Capo E, Barouillet C, Smol JP). doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-43799-1_10

Murchie, Giguet-Covex, Heintzman, Slon, Wang (2023) Terrestrial fauna and hominin DNA from sedimentary archives. Chapter in the book “Tracking Environmental change using lake sediments: Sedimentary DNA (Vol. 6). Springer Cham (eds Capo E, Barouillet C, Smol JP). doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-43799-1_11

Taranu, Gregory-Eaves, Monchamp (2023) An overview of biodiversity and network modeling approaches: applications to sedimentary DNA records. Chapter in the book “Tracking Environmental change using lake sediments: Sedimentary DNA (Vol. 6). Springer Cham (eds Capo E, Barouillet C, Smol JP). doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-43799-1_12

Holman, Wang, Sawafuji, Epp, Bohmann, Pedersen (2023) Perspectives and future developments within sedimentary DNA research. Chapter in the book “Tracking Environmental change using lake sediments: Sedimentary DNA (Vol. 6). Springer Cham (eds Capo E, Barouillet C, Smol JP). doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-43799-1_13

Huston, Lopez, Cheng, King, Duxbury, Picard, Thomson-Laing, Myler, Caren, Helbing, Kinnison, Saros, Gregory-Eaves, Monchamp, Wood, Armbrecht, Ficetola, Kurte, Von Eggers, Brahney, Parent, Sakata, Doi, Capo (2023) Detection of fish sedimentary DNA in aquatic systems: A review of methodological challenges and future opportunities. Environmental DNA. doi: 10.1002/edn3.467

Revéret, Rijal, Heintzman, Brown, Stoof-Leichsenring, Alsos (2023) Environmental DNA of aquatic macrophytes: The potential for reconstructing past and present vegetation and environments. Freshwater Biology doi: 10.1111/fwb.14158

Williams, Spanbauer, Heintzman, Blois, Capo, Goring, Monchamp, Parducci, Von Eggers, Alsos, Bowler, Coolen, Cullen, Crump, Epp, Fernandez-Guerra, Grimm, Herzschuh, Mereghetti, Meyer, Nota, Pedersen, Perez, Shapiro, Stoof-Leichsenring, Wood (2023) Strengthening global-change science by integrating aeDNA with paleoecoinformatics. Trends in Ecology and Evolution doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2023.04.016

Barouillet, Monchamp, Bertilsson, Brasell Domaizon, Epp, Ibrahim, Mejbel, Nwosu, Pearman, Picard, Thomson-Laing, Tsugeki, Von Eggers, Gregory-Eaves, Pick, Wood, Capo (2023) Investigating the effects of anthropogenic stressors on lake biota using sedimentary DNA. Freshwater Biology doi: 10.1111/fwb.14027

Jia, Anslan, Chen, Cao, Dong, Dulias, Gu, Heinecke, Jiang, Kruse, Kang, Li, Liu X, Liu Y, Ni, Schwalb, Stoof-Leichsenring, Shen, Tian, Wang J, Wang Yo, Wang Yu, Hu, Yang, Zhang, Herzschuh (2022) Sedimentary ancient DNA reveals past ecosystems and biodiversity changes on the Tibetan Plateau: Overview and prospects. Quaternary Science Reviews doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2022.107703

Von Eggers, Monchamp, Capo, Giguet-Covex, Spanbauer, Heintzman (2022) Inventory of ancient environmental DNA from sedimentary archives: locations, methods, and target taxa version 1. DATASET. Zenodo doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6847522

Capo*, Monchamp*, Coolen, Domaizon, Armbrecht, Bertilsson (2022) Environmental paleomicrobiology: using DNA preserved in aquatic sediments to its full potential. Environmental Microbiology. 24(5) *co-first authors doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.15913

Monchamp, Armbrecht, Capo, Coolen, Cordier, Domaizon, Epp, Giguet-Covex, Gregory-Eaves, Herzschuh, Parducci, Stoof-Leichsenring, Williams (2021) PaleoEcoGen - Unlocking the power of ancient environmental DNA to understand past ecological trends. PAGEs Magazine. doi: 10.22498/pages.29.2.102

Capo, Giguet-Covex, Rouillard, Nota, Heintzman, Vuillemin, Aritzegui, Arnaud, Belle, Bertilsson, Bigler, Bindler, Brown, Clarke, Crump, Debroas, Englund, Ficetola, Garner, Gauthier, Gregory-Eaves, Heinecke, Herzschuh, Ibrahim, Kisand, Kjær, Lammers, Littlefair, Messager, Monchamp, Olajos, Orsi, Pedersen, Rijal, Rydberg, Spanbauer, Stoof-Leichsenring, Taberlet, Talas, Thomas, Walsh, Wang, Willerslev, van Woerkom, Zimmermann, Coolen, Epp, Domaizon, Alsos, Parducci (2021) Lake sedimentary DNA research on past terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity: Overview and recommendations. Quaternary. 4(6), doi: 10.3390/quat4010006