
June 2023 Newsletter

Dear sed-DNA enthusiasts,

Yesterday, the meteorological summer or winter started depending on your location in the world. We would like to highlight again that the first SedDNA Meeting is taking place this week at the AWI (Alfred Wegener Institute) in Potsdam, Germany. This will be a great event with 120 participants!

Furthermore, we are pleased to announce the publication of the latest collaborative project by members of the sedaDNA society, titled "Strengthening global-change science by integrating aeDNA with paleoecoinformatics," led by Jack Williams. This research has been published this month in Trends in Ecology & Evolution and is available here.

There will be no e-coffees this month, but I hope to see many of you at the sedDNA meeting next week.

New papers

Ngoc-Loi Nguyen et al., (2023) published "Sedimentary ancient DNA: a new paleogenomic tool for reconstructing the history of marine ecosystems" in Frontiers in Marine Science.

John W. Williams et al., (2023) published "Strengthening global-change science by integrating aeDNA with paleoecoinformatics" in Trends in Ecology & Evolution.

Margaret Kyalo-Omamo et al., (2023) published "Sedimentary ancient DNA of rotifers reveals responses to 200 years of climate change in two Kenyan crater lakes" in Freshwater Biology.

C. Patrick Doncaster et al., (2023) published "The drivers of plant community composition have shifted from external to internal processes over the past 20,000 years" in communications earth & environment.

Kevin Erratt et al., (2023) published "Reconstructing historical time-series of cyanobacteria in lake sediments: Integrating technological innovation to enhance cyanobacterial management" in Journal of Environmental Management.

Yi Wang</b> et al., (2023) published "Spatial distribution of sedimentary DNA is taxon-specific and linked to local occurrence at intra-lake scale" in communications earth & environment.

Svetlana Karachurina et al., (2023) published "Terrestrial vegetation and lake aquatic community diversity under climate change during the mid–late Holocene in the Altai Mountains" in Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.

New Positions

A two-year post-doctoral fellowship in computational palaeogenomics is availible at the Vrije universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands. The position is mainly focused on bioinformatic analyses of sedaDNA but aslo a small set of human aDNA samples. The project is part of the "Constructing the Limes" project in the Netherlands. See here for more information

The application deadline is 1st of July 2023

A Post-doc position at McGill University, Canada, starting January, 2024. The Project includes using sedDNA to reconstruct ecosystem dynamics of sockeye salmon nursery lakes in BC (Canada) over the past ~200 years. Ideal candidates would have experience in molecular biology and bioinformatics. Contact Dr. Irene Gregory-Eaves for more information at irene.gregory-eaves@mcgill.ca.

Contact me at kevin_nota@eva.mpg.de or you want to announce something to the society, or if you have a recent paper that you would like to advertise in the newsletter.