
October 2023 Newsletter

Dear sed-DNA enthusiasts,

Autumn has begun to get a hold in the northern hemisphere. From the society, there are no announcements for the October newsletter. We are working on bringing the seminar series back in a more free format. We will send more information about this later.

Please let me know if I missed a paper or preprint, or simply paste a link or DOI here

New papers

Nicola Alexandra Vogel et al., (2023) published "euka: Robust tetrapodic and arthropodic taxa detection from modern and ancient environmental DNA using pangenomic reference graphs" in Methods in Ecology and Evolution.

Liviu Giosan et al., (2023) published "Neoglacial climate anomalies and the Harappan metamorphosis" in Climate of the Past.

Love Dalén et al., (2023) published "Deep-time paleogenomics and the limits of DNA survival" in Science.

Vaidehi Pusadkar et al., (2023) published "Benchmarking Metagenomic Classifiers on Simulated Ancient and Modern Metagenomic Data" in Microorganisms.


Robin Allaby (2023) made the preprint "Pleistocene-Holocene sedaDNA reconstruction ofSouthern Doggerland reveals early colonizationbefore inundation consistent with northern refugia" available at research square.

Hasni Issam (2023) made the preprint "Resuscitating Sleeping Beauties: reviving a six-hundred-year-old amoeba and endosymbiont" available at BioRxiv.

New positions

A Postdoctoral Research Fellow position is available at the Arctic University Museum of Norway, UiT. The position is a fixed term position for a duration of two years. You will conduct research as a part of the newly established Norwegian Centre for Arctic Ecosystem Genomics (ArcEcoGen) and will be part of a group working towards a better integration of paleoecological results with ecological questions about modern ecosystems and dynamics. Research at the ArcEcoGen focuses on the combined effect of humans, climate, and biota on northern ecosystem dynamics in the past, present, and future using environmental DNA (eDNA) techniques.

applications deadline: 19th October 2023.

See the full advert here:

The Department of Geological Sciences at Stockholm University invites applications for a four-year PhD position based at the Centre for Palaeogenetics (CPG) on the Stockholm University campus.

The PhD project is part of the First Contact research program funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, with the goal of understanding the impacts of human dispersal on faunal biodiversity. The PhD project will use state-of-the-art ancient DNA techniques from both bones and sediments to reconstruct the evolutionary and ecological histories of animal communities across time intervals that include the first arrival of humans in multiple regions. You can read more about the project here:.

The PhD student will join the research group at CPG led by Peter Heintzman. The selected candidate will be expected to publish their results in peer-reviewed scientific journals and present their findings at international/national conferences.

applications deadline: 10th November 2023.

Contact me at kevin_nota@eva.mpg.de or you want to announce something to the society, or if you have a recent paper that you would like to advertise in the newsletter.